Press Release 19/01 – Judical Liquidation of the Bank ABLV BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A.


On 2 July 2019, the Luxembourg district court, dealing with commercial matters, has pronounced the dissolution and ordered the liquidation of the Luxembourg based credit institution ABLV Bank Luxembourg S.A., having its registered office at 26a, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B162048 (hereinafter “ABLV”).

The determination of the unavailability of deposits at ABLV by the Commission de surveillance du secteur financier on 24 February 2018 has given depositors access to reimbursements by the Luxembourg deposit guarantee scheme FGDL. Eligible depositors of ABLV may claim a reimbursement of their deposits up to 100.000 EUR from FGDL until 24 February 2028, i.e. 10 years after the determination of the unavailability of deposits. For recovering any amount that is not reimbursed by the FGDL, creditors of ABLV must submit a receivable debt declaration to the clerk of the Luxembourg district court, 6th chamber, by the 10 January 2020 at the latest.

Déclarations de créance – 6e chambre
Greffe du tribunal d’arrondissement de Luxembourg
Cité judiciaire –
L-2080 Luxembourg

Information regarding the procedure to follow and the required documents will be made available as soon as possible by the liquidators nominated by the district court, namely Maître Alain RUKAVINA and Deloitte Tax & Consulting SARL, in the person of M. Eric COLLARD.

Luxembourg, 3 July 2019